domingo, 17 de julio de 2011

A Death Affair Teaser

The first Teaser is here! This is not our final work and we still have a lot of work, but we hope that you enjoy it, like we do!

lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Just a little town

Here you can see one of our sets. It is a town based on a Victorian style. It is nearly finished but there are some little things to pollish. This video will give you an idea of how our lovely town is going to look like.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

A little boy appears!

A new character is born. He may just look like a little boy, but we will see that he has something to show us during the short film.

All the characters are modeled in Autodesk Softimage. We have an orientative concept art, but we have to improvise a lot because we do not have too much time for each part of the project.

Our channel

martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Two secondary characters, we will upload more characters soon!

The journey begins

"A Death Affair" is our final project at Bloompix Studios. The students involved in this production are: Talia Hay, Patricia Marchán, Jesús Pantaleón and Sebas Gil. We have started this blog to share with all of you our progressions, desperations and sleepless nights.

We hope that you enjoy our work!!